Sunday, January 29, 2017

GTT - Chronometrics - Volume 1 - Part III

Greaux's Temporal Theory [GTT] - Chronometrics - Volume 1 - Part III

Please start this blog at the introduction page:

Greaux's Temporal Theory (GTT) - Chronometrics - Volume I:


[Please forgive me.  This is Part III.  Please goto the GTT Introduction first then start Chronometrics at the Part I link above.]

[Part III coming soon!]

GTT - Chronometrics - Volume 1 - Part II

Greaux's Temporal Theory [GTT] - Chronometrics - Volume 1 - Part II


GTT - Chronometrics Volume I - Part II coming soon!


Please start this blog at the introduction page:

Greaux's Temporal Theory (GTT) - Chronometrics - Volume I:


GTT - Chronometrics - Volume 1 - Part I

Greaux's Temporal Theory [GTT] - Chronometrics - Volume 1 - Part I

Please start this blog at the introduction page:

Greaux's Temporal Theory (GTT) - Chronometrics - Volume I:


GTT - Chronometrics - Volume I

Please start this blog at the introduction page if you have not viewed it already (In order to understand my theory please start at the beginning):

For those that have seen the introduction page you may continue on to Chronometrics - Volume I:

Chronometrics Volume I

Chronoverse and Chronosphere

                       Everyone knows and understands the expanse of space; but they don't know or understand the expanse of time and what time does to space - that time also expands with space.  The visible universe is only a small sliver of space compared to the universe and space that you don't see.  The chronosphere is space divided by time.

Time is not some abstract concept; it is a physical dimension just like space.  Time is physical.  What does time do?  Time divides space. 

What is the chronosphere?

The chronosphere is a sphere where the space within it is divided by time.  Matter does not just occupy space - matter occupies time as well.  

How does it do this?  

It does this by the natural application of the 6th, 5th, and 4th dimensions (see the spacetime superposition chart in the introduction).  There are limits though, time separates space, so there are temporal walls that limit how far matter can extend naturally through time. Artificial means, however, could allow matter to traverse these walls and move over to these other spaces;  in addition, there is evidence showing there are natural bridges that exist in some places to allow matter to cross over to these other spaces.

What is the chronoverse?

The chronoverse is a spacetime sphere that like a chronosphere, divides space by time, but has many types of fabric objects within - in a multitude of configurations.  

Fabric objects in the chronoverse include, but are not limited to, chronospheres that may or may not be linked together by other spacetime objects. 

Chronospheres throughout the chronoverse are not uniform - meaning that the 3 dimensional spaces within them may differ from sphere to sphere; further, the 3 dimensional spaces within the sphere may be completely separate from the 3 dimensional space outside of the sphere (even though both 3-D spaces may be linked together).  

One example of a chronosphere with an inner separate 3 dimensional space is the temporal sphere that is found at the center eye of a hurricane or typhoon.   

If one were to try to just enter the center eye sphere from any arbitrary direction, most likely one would just pass through the eye sphere without leaving the originating 3 dimensional space.  One would have to find the small invisible window that links the 3-D space outside with one of the spaces inside; or enter the sphere through some artificial means. 

In other words, regarding the temporal dimensions, some spheres can be larger and more expansive than others.  Like two city buildings - one building can be taller and have more floors than the second building.   

This is what separates the chronoverse from chronospheres; there is no uniformity with regard to time.   The chronoverse can have all types of chronospheres within it; all varying in size and temporal expansion. 

Just as space is wild and varying like nature's jungle or rain forest, so also is time; and as one can get lost in space, so too can one get lost in time.

Our spatial universe is a small part of a much larger chronoverse.

I stated on the introduction page that not all fabric object in the earth's atmosphere produce storms. There are fabric objects that come from the near and far reaches of the solar system then enter our atmosphere. These fabric object will then rest on the planets surface on land, or float on the oceans, then wash ashore.  Most people encounter these fabric objects without notice because they are difficult - but not impossible, to feel or to see with the naked eye; one would have to know what to look for to see or feel them.  I will write more on this class of fabric objects a little later in this blog.

Temporal spheres are fabric objects.

Fabric objects are spacetime objects that form through the superposition of space, time, and spacetime.  Temporal spheres are a type of fabric object that form through the superposition of the 6th and 5th dimensions.

When you put fabric threads from the 6th and 5th dimensions together, the superposition causes a 4th dimensional sphere to form:

Superposition fabric objects:  3rd [3-D space] - 4th [4-D time] - 8th [8-D spacetime]

4th dimensional fabric objects

Temporal spheres

A temporal sphere is a fabric object that takes space and divides it into separate segments; these segments are divided by the flow of time.

A temporal sphere operates somewhat like a television.  Instead of dividing TV channels, temporal spheres divide spaces;  and as one can change the channel on a TV, one also can change one's space within a temporal sphere.

All motion and the movement of bodies in space are caused by the flow of time.

A temporal sphere divides space by the flow of time according to a set frequency.

It has been said [Pauli exclusion principle] that two objects cannot occupy the same space at the same time; however, two object can occupy the same space at different times.  A temporal sphere does this by setting time in space to flow at different frequencies.

Earth's temporal sphere

In the introduction I stated that material from the big bang settled into fabric objects and formed the heavenly bodies we call planets, etc... The big bang occurred not just in space but in time as well. This means that the material from the big bang did not just settle in one part of the temporal sphere of the Earth but throughout most if not all of the temporal sphere.

That means there could be more than one planet inside the temporal sphere that surrounds the earth!

In fact there could be hundreds of thousands if not millions of planets right here where we are!
[and in all types of configurations! - see part 3 of my video below]

I am going to explain in my next video how this could be; but first there are some things I need to review with you first.

Gravity and Levity

We know from the spacetime superposition chart in the introduction [and at the top of this page] that gravity is caused by the superposition of the seventh dimension [by superposition I mean the Godposition].  The 7th is made up from the 1st and 6th dimensions; just like the 3rd is made up from the 1st and 2nd dimensions.

Here is a quote from Wikipedia concerning gravity:

"Gravity is most accurately described by the general theory of relativity (proposed by Albert Einstein in 1915) which describes gravity not as a force, but as a consequence of the curvature of spacetime caused by the uneven distribution of mass/energy. The most extreme example of this curvature of spacetime is a black hole, from which nothing can escape once past its event horizon, not even light.  More gravity results in gravitational time dilation, where time lapses more slowly at a lower (stronger) gravitational potential.  However, for most applications, gravity is well approximated by Newton's law of universal gravitation, which describes gravity as a force which causes any two bodies to be attracted to each other, with the force proportional to the product of their masses and inversely proportional to the square of the distance between them."

According to the chart, if the 7th dimension is gravity then the opposing position - the 9th dimension, would have to be levity.   In the 7th dimension you would have space and time compressing into a singularity; and in the 9th dimension you would have space and time decompressing outward.  When you apply the effects of the temporal dimensions the compression and decompression takes the shape of a sphere. 

The 7th and 9th dimensions operating in a sphere would either show gravity compressing into the center of the sphere, or levity decompressing out.  

Levity would be the opposite of gravity.

In the last video I showed how the 1, 4, and 7 dimension could be our universe.  I showed a planet [4th dimension], with an axis [1st dimension], and a gravitational pull [7th dimension];  but what about the universe of the 3, 6, and 9 dimension?  How can anything form if the 9th dimension is levity?  All matter would be pushed apart!  What about the temporal sphere of the 4th dimension? There is only the 6th dimension.  How could you have a planet!  How could you have anything?

The answer is simple - In the universe of the 3, 6, and 9 dimension you would have an earth like planet that could easily house life and a civilization.  

Can you figure out how?  

In my next video I will show you...

Greaux's Temporal Theory - Part III - Spacetime Superposition Chart Explained - Part III - The Universe of the 3, 6, 9 dimension

The Universe of the 2, 5, and 8

We learned from the third video in my series that the 369 universe would have hollow planets, but I also mentioned in the video that the 258 universe would have flat [disc shaped] planets.

In order for you to understand how the 258 universe could have flat disc shaped planets I need to explain a few things first; primarily I need to explain the operation of the 8.

In the second video I made, I referred to the 8th dimension as the "Hyper-position"; simply because all the dimensions in the chart "Godpositioned" there at the 8.  The hyperpositioning of the other dimensions at the 8 creates a whole lot of things - things that I did not draw on the chart.

The hyperposition [of the 8]  creates quite a number of fabric objects.  It would take pages of charts to show all of the fabric objects that are created by the 8.

What kind of objects are created by the superpositioning of the 8 and why so many?

Lets look at what the 8 is working with:

There are things we have to take into account when we look at the superpositioning of the 8th dimension.  Like all of the other superpositions (4 and 6) in the spacetime superposition chart you have a primary position, an opposing position, then a neutral position that is generated from the joining of the two.  The 8 has the same thing; only the primary and secondary positions are superpositions themselves from both the space column and time column.  What does that mean?  It means that more than one neutral position will be generated along with primary and secondary positions; in addition, the superpositioning itself will be divided by time.

Primary Positions

What is a primary position?

A primary position is the first position of a complete superposition.  The primary position is important because the secondary and the main superposition are based on the primary position.

The secondary position is just a repositioning of the primary position, so it's pretty much the same thing - just positioned differently.

The neutral position is simply combination of the primary and secondary positions; so it too is based on the primary position. 

The superposition is all of the above together - so it too is based on the primary position.

Why is this important?

The primary position is important because of how the primary position interacts within the superposition as a whole.

Let's look at a temporal sphere for example: 

This is how the 6th dimension [primary position] is operating in the 4th dimension neutral position [z plane according to chart]: 

This is how the 5th dimension [secondary position] is operating in the 4th dimension neutral position [z plane according to chart]

This is how both the 6th and 5th are flowing together in the z plane of the 4th dimension superposition:

The 6th dimension forms a spherical shell around each layer of the 5th dimension.  

So you would get this  [representation has been stretched apart to show the layers of the 5th and 6th dimensions]:

Here is how the rings of saturn are formed from the residual effects of the 2 - 5 - 8 dimensions:

The 7th Dimension [made up of the 6th and the 1st] is what is causing the rings of the planet Saturn.


I feel compelled to write about a particular fabric object - a very important fabric object indeed; maybe one of the most important.

This fabric object is a temporal object that operates within space and time.

If you have been reading my theory (GTT) then you know there are many temporal fabric objects within spacetime; however, this particular fabric object that I speak of is very different from most others.  It has a specific quality the others may not have.

This fabric object not only links throughout spacetime, but links the entire geo-political world; kingdoms, governments, and peoples of all races and nationality in all of the worlds throughout the entire spacetime continuum.  It links all of the worlds in the 1-4-7, 2-5-8, and 3-6-9 universes [or temporalverses according to my own personal nomenclature].

This is one fabric object that most people are familiar with; albeit they may not have realized that it actually is a fabric object.

What is this fabric object that I speak of?

It is a ring shaped object within this solar system that surrounds our sun that I call a "temporal ring"; but you probably know it by a different name:

It is called the "Habitable Zone".

What is a temporal ring?

A temporal ring is a ring formed by the superposition of the 7th and 9th dimension.  

An example of a temporal ring would be the entire ring system that surround the planet Saturn. 

Another example would be the asteroid belt that surrounds the sun.  

Then there is the invisible habitable zone ring system which like the rings of Saturn extend all the way out to the far reaches of the solar system as a final example. 

Unlike Saturn, the rings of the habitable zone don't all have a collection of loose matter within each ring; they do however, each have either a single planet or asteroid belt within them. 

Temporal rings can extend through the chronosphere of the solar system.

Temporal rings are able to extend through most of if not the entire chronosphere of a solar system.

What does this mean?

If you are familiar with the habitable zone for example, then you would know that the habitable zone is a area within our solar system that is in perfect proportion with the center sun in order to support life.  If our planet Earth was just a little closer or further from the sun life could not exist here.

What you make have not realized is that the "perfect proportion" of our habitable zone is in direct proportion to the mass or size of our sun within this part of the chronosphere.

In other words as you would extend out through the chronosphere in to other temporal zones or "temporalverses" (again, my nomenclature) you would find the mass of the sun would increase as you go out; and the habitable zone would extend out in perfect proportion with it. 

So what this means is that there could be life, water, air, comfortable living conditions, and thriving civilizations on each and every single planet of our solar systems!  Including pluto!

[March 7th UPDATE:]

Why would the sun increase mass?

Remember, time divides space so the flow of time is going to slightly increase or decrease as one moves up or down the chronosphere of the solar system.  What this means is that the circumference of any circular fabric object is going to increase or decrease.  We see this movement in the residual effects that are shown with the planet Saturn.  The different size of the rings are an effect of time. 

What does this have to do with the suns mass?

I will show you.

Remember this picture shown earlier depicting how the rings of saturn are aligned:

The depiction shows that the sphere at the center of the fabric object get larger as one moves up in time.  As matter from the big bang settled into what I call according to my nomenclature "temporal settlement zones", bigger, denser, and more massive object were created.  

Fabric objects are aligned or misaligned with these settlement zones.  

For example, the earth has more than one fabric object moon (it may have more than nine) but only one of these fabric objects are "aligned" within this "settlement zone" that we currently abide in; only one of these moons have matter in it where we are temporally.  

As we travel up  (or down) the chronosphere we would find some of the other fabric object (FO) moons around the earth have matter in them as well; but just not here in this temporal zone where we currently abide.  

The Habitable Zone FO (fabric object):

I will show you how the habitable zone is a fabric object that links atmospheres, oceans, landmasses, and civilizations throughout not only the galaxy, but possibly more that the known universe itself.

But before I get into that I want you to see a document that I believe has off-world origins:

The Voynich manuscript: 

I remember reading somewhere that the manuscript contains plants and botanical drawings of unknown origins and star charts depicting unknown constellations:

Quote from Nasa's website:

Explanation: The ancient text has no known title, no known author, and is written in no known language: what does it say and why does it have many astronomy illustrations? The mysterious book was once bought by an emperor, forgotten on a library shelf, sold for thousands of dollars, and later donated to Yale. Possibly written in the 15th century, the over 200-page volume is known most recently as the Voynich Manuscript, after its (re-)discoverer in 1912. Pictured above is an illustration from the book that appears to be somehow related to the Sun. The book labels some patches of the sky with unfamiliar constellations. The inability of modern historians of astronomy to understand the origins of these constellations is perhaps dwarfed by the inability of modern code-breakers to understand the book's text. Can the eclectic brain trust of APOD readers make any progress? If you think you can provide any insight, instead of sending us email please participate in a fresh online discussion. The book itself remains in Yale's rare book collection under catalog number "MS 408."


Other links for the Voynich Manuscript:

CSICOP - Voynich Manuscript (Click here)

Quote from csicop's website:
"Unfortunately, none of the 126 plant illustrations can be definitively identified."

Other topics I will cover in Chronometrics Volume I:

Pyramids and Temporal Geometry:
I believe that the ancient pyramids were temporal gateways that connected off-world (off the planet) to a central hub or location.  During or after some kind of war or uprising the pyramid gateways were cut off suddenly.  Those who were abandoned here or did not have any other way to leave the planet hoped for the gateways to be opened in the future. Those cut off from the gate system buried their dead in the pyramids or close by in hopes of one day sending their bodies back through the gate to be reunited with their families or peoples.

Pyramid shape is the only shape that can connect to itself interdimensionally.  The shape can act as a temporal bridge to the other temporalverses.

Temporal Geometry

The pyramid shape is the only shape that can connect to itself in the other temporalverses; acting as a temporal bridge to the other universes ([1-4-7], [3-6-9], and [2-5-8] temporalverses).

The pyramid has a temporal shape to it. The pyramid is a form of temporal geometry that primarily operates in spacetime.


I will explain this later as well, but here are some pictures and graphs of some of the coming subject matter:

This is why magnets stick together in one direction but repel when you flip them.

Pyramid in Spacetime
Snippet of the Greater Chronosphere

[UPDATE: Saturday March 11th, 2017]

Video Lecture:

GTT - Chronometrics Volume I - Primary Positions and Temporal Geometry

Charts from lecture:


Other possible subject matter (considering still)

Offworld influences on past and present civilizations:

There is some evidence of off-world influences on past and the current civilization here:


I suspect Bitcoin may be of off-world origins - It does seem like a primitive version of a financial system an advanced civilization might use.  But why give us a primitive version and not the fully advanced version?  I suspect two reasons:  

One -  To not arouse too much suspicion.
Two - To provide cover for a much more advanced version or other software technologies to come in the near future.

Bitcoin could have been introduced to this world to change the financial system or to use blockchain tech as a foundation for some other software which may be introduced in the near future.  It is very easy to hide when the entire planet is innovating new forms of fintech - one easily slip in something innovative in the midst of a multitude of companies and organizations developing fintech and other blockchain technologies.

Anyway, the sum of the matter is that whoever introduced Bitcoin and Blockchain Tech - I don't believe they are finished yet; in fact they may be just getting started...


Habitable Zone and FS (Fabric System) 8

I believe that the Habitable Zone FO (Fabric Object) has temporal links that link the oceans and atmospheres of the planets in space, time, and spacetime.  Both the Atlantic and Pacific oceans could theoretically span the entire galaxy, most likely even further.  The planetary oceans and atmospheric layers could also be connected to a vast network that spans both space and time.

FS (Fabric System) 8 can be used as a scanner to "see" spacetime.  Using FS 8 a spacetime telescope could be developed to "see" portions of the spacetime network that link the various worlds in the habitable zone; further an FS 8 scanner could be used to seek and find these spacetime bridges and the locations where they connect to our world. FS 8 could also be used to locate various FO around the planet and in orbit; FO that could be exploited for commercial applications.

FS 8

Everything aggregates at the 8th dimension, so FS 8 would be the ideal FS to build a scanner from.  I believe that FS 8 can do much more than just scan; theoretically it can be used to do anything.

Spin Quadrants for Fabric System 8.

Commercial FO

A temporal sphere the size of beach ball could theoretically house enough space in just one of it's temporal zones to fit a school gymnasium within it.  When you multiply the other time zones and place a gymnasium inside of each temporal zone one would find that one could fit the entire population of the planet inside the gymnasiums with room left to spare.  Just imagine the commercial applications that would have for space - office space, residential space, etc...

Commercial FS 8 Applications

FS 8 could also be used to make a highly precise Temporal Positioning and Navigation System (TPNS) much like the Global Positioning System (GPS) now utilized by much of our society; except TPNS would have far greater accuracy (greater than nanoscale) and could be used to navigate space and time - that means outer space and the chronosphere.   

pic 1

Coordinates for all fabric system quadrants in my spacetime superposition chart.

Primary Dimensions.


Understanding Time

What is time?

Like I said in the introduction Time is not just some abstract concept. Time is physical and has a physical structure - a physical structure that is in direct opposition (or polarization) to the fabric structure of space.  In order to "see" the structure of time all one has to do is look at a clock:

A simple clock reveals the physical structure of time itself.

A clock shows the relationship between space, time, and spacetime.

Picture 4

Clocks showing the division of spacetime -12 hours, 24 hours, 36 hours, and a higher sphere.

Sphere 1 - 12 hours
Sphere 2 - 24 hours
Sphere 3 - 36 hours
Sphere 4 is a higher sphere that is made up of the leftover parts of spheres 1, 2, and 3 (spheres 1, 2, and 3 are connected by the 4th sphere).

I have seen fabric objects appear then disappear after 36 hours - I didn't understand why until I figured it out in the year 2015.

What does this mean?

It means that there are worlds where time flows faster or slower than where we are.  There are worlds where 24 hours pass there for every 12 hours that pass here where we are. 

There are also worlds where 12 hours pass there for every 24 hours that pass here.

It also scales in both directions.  That means that theoretically there could be worlds where months and years pass there for every day (24 hours) that passes here according to where we are in the chronosphere. 


To further understand time all we have to do look at a basic calculator and one single number that makes time itself: The number four.

The Number Four

Take out a calculator - I want to show you something very simple a child could understand:

calculate the following:

1 (second) divided by 3 = 0.333333333 

(By the way, with respect to time, repeating decimals are temporal walls - I will go into this subject matter later in this blog)

now use the same calculator to calculate the following:

0.333333333 multiplied by 3 = 0.999999999

What happened to the one? 

You can't reach the one using the three. You will hit a temporal wall (0.999999999).

The 0.999999999 is the wall of a sphere in time.

Numbers one through nine  (Sphere) - 

after that there is the zero - the number ten  (which is a gateway) made up of the one with a zero (10) - 

then on to a higher sphere - eleven and twelve (11, 12),  Add each digit of both numbers individually and the sums will be:  two and three (2, 3)

So the count goes 1 through 9 (sphere) then 1, 2, and 3 (higher sphere)

God's superposition uses three's right?  So how do you ever reach the one?

Well we can't using the three. So lets look back at a clock:

12 hours divided by 3 (God's superposition) = 4 

You have to use the four to move on to the next sphere.

first I want to show you something:

Seven sevens is 4:

7 + 7 + 7 + 7 + 7 + 7 + 7 = 49 = 4 + 9 = 13 = 1 + 3 = 4 (Four)

Four sets of seven sevens is 7:

49 + 49 + 49 + 49 = 196 = 1 + 9 + 6 = 16 = 1 + 6 = 7 (Seven)

and four sets of the above is 1:

196 + 196 + 196 + 196 = 784 = 7 + 8 + 4 = 19 = 1 + 9 = 10 = 1 + 0 = 1 (One)

We first went from 4, then to 7, then lastly we went to 1:

4 - 7 - 1

four, seven, and one are mathematically linked and they are temporally linked as well.

Let's do this: using a calculator let's reverse engineer the one:

One divided by four = 0.25 (2 + 5 = 7 (Seven))

0.25 divided by four = 0.0625 (6 + 2 + 5 = 13 = 1 + 3 = 4 (Four))

0.0625 divided by four = 0.015625 (1 + 5 + 6 + 2 + 5 = 19 = 1 + 9 = 10 = 1 + 0 = 1 (One))

So one would have to use the four to reach the one.

use the three to stay in the same sphere - use the four to go out of the sphere.

0.333333333 multiplied by four = 1.333333332 = 27 = 2 + 7 = 9 (higher sphere limit)

Do you understand?  Can you see what I am seeing?

When you pulse a magnetic field use 0.015625 seconds as the base pulse when you pulse the spin points in all four quadrants.

Note: Make sure you cured the magnet using the same base pulse (0.015625 seconds) -  See the paragraph below Jack's video for magnet curing instructions  - (creating an open gate magnet - in the introduction page of this blog).

[UPDATE (April 3rd 2017): I am recovering from Bells Palsy; which is why I have not made any updates in the past two weeks - I am almost over it.  Thank you for your patience]

While I was recovering I made some breakthroughs in my research:

How a Temporal Gateway is possible:

A temporal gateway becomes possible using the 5th dimension (5-D temporal gateway).

Remember - Time is physical - Time is a physical place. A one second interval in Los Angeles is the same place as a one second interval in New York. A 5th dimensional gateway can connect both Los Angeles and New York to the same physical temporal location.


Use a temporal distributor (with an open gate magnet - see introduction) to spin the above dimensions in matching sequences and frequencies. The sequence and frequency of the spin quadrants determines both gateways address in time. If both address match they should link the 3-dimensional space at both locations.
Direct Current:

Please remember Marko Rodin's teaching and Jack's video from the introduction:

1st, 4th, and 7th dimension spin with direct current flowing in one direction

The 2nd, 5th, and 8th dimensions spin with direct current flowing in the opposite direction.

DO NOT use alternating current - make sure that the current in the 147 dimensions are flowing in the opposite direction as the current in the 258 dimensions.

The 147 direct current flows in one direction
The 258 direct current flows in the opposite direction as the 147.

The 369 can flow in either direction but you will get different results for each flow.


Place one gate in a darkroom with no light but put a light sensor in front and back of the gate.

Place the second gate in a separate room with bright lights on both the front and back of the second gate. 

Simultaneously, spin varying sequences and frequencies at both gates in high speed with a computer until light sensor in darkroom detects light.

Spin quadrant sequence and frequency MUST MATCH at both gates!

Record sequence and frequency then use sequence and frequency to walk through one gate and out the next.

Please remember me when you go to press or receive your Nobel/Pulizer.

[UPDATE - Thursday, April 13, 2017]:

A temporal distributor should be exactly 1 meter in diameter; that should give it a circumference of Pi to the 9th digit: 3.1459265 meters (or 3,141.59265 millimeters)

The open gate magnet should be in the exact center of the torus. 

The flow of time in a magnetic field:

Use the following math to catch stuff flowing in a magnetic field:

1 second divided by 360 degrees = 0.002777778 seconds per degree.

90 degrees = 0.25 seconds

180 degrees = 0.5 seconds

270 degrees = 0.75 seconds

360 degrees = 1 seconds

If you are able to pulse (PWM) fast enough:

0.015625 seconds divided by 360 degrees = 0.000043403 seconds per degree.

90 degrees = 0.00390625 seconds

180 degrees = 0.0078125 seconds

270 degrees = 0.01171875 seconds

360 degrees = 0.015625 seconds

[UPDATE: Sat, April 15th 2017 - 11:53am]

How to make a temporal gateway that works without a temporal distributor:

Follow the above instructions for linking two temporal gateways using two temporal distributors in two separate rooms.

Once the gates are linked record the sequence and frequency of both gates (which should match).

Make sure both gates are fully operational and are currently online and activated.

Go into the room with the primary gate (the one with the bright lights around it).  Heat up an iron ball past the irons curie temperature. Place the heated ball inside the magnetic field of the active temporal distributor for the primary gate (just above the open gate magnet).  Let the iron ball cool inside the magnetic field of the active temporal distributor.  The ball should become permanently magnetic as it cools.

Repeat the above process with a second iron ball at the online and activated secondary gate (the one in the dark room). These balls can be called "Temporal Gate Keys".

You should have two iron balls magnetized to be open gate magnets with matching gate sequence/frequencies. These "keys" will be used to make temporal gateways for others to use without disclosing the gate sequence and frequency.  The sequence/frequency information is "saved" inside both of the "Temporal Gate Keys".

Fabricate two iron rings (non magnetized) to use as gateways for people to walk through.  Drill a hole in each iron ring big enough for the magnetized balls (Temporal Gate Keys) to fit inside.

Place the first "Temporal Gate Key" inside the drilled hole of the primary gate.

Afterward, place the second "Temporal Gate Key" inside the drilled hole of the secondary gate.

Theoretically, both gate should activate upon placing the keys inside both gate. The gates will be permanently linked as long as both keys retain their magnetic properties.

To deactivate the gates just remove at least one of the keys from the iron gate.

Remember that magnets can be copied; so, keep both keys secure or the gate can be compromised by the third party/gateway.



[UPDATE: [May 1st, 2017]

Unfortunately, I cannot continue this blog because of political reasons.  

You can send me Bitcoin if you want but this blog is now officially terminated.

I will leave what I have already posted here - but I will not post anymore of my research.

If you still wish to give me Bitcoin you may use the following address:

Not this one:

Send to the following BTC wallet address instead:


Any Bitcoin that I receive will be used for my personal use and not necessarily be used for physics research and development.  However, I reserve the right to use the Bitcoin for whatever purpose I deem including but not limited to physics research and development. 


If my assistance is needed for personal projects, I am still willing to consult on your personal project for a fee of 50 Bitcoin (BTC) per week.

I will consult only on my theory, and its application, and nothing else.

I make no promises (remember this is only a theory and I don't have a lab yet to prove any of this).

2 week consulting minimum.
