Saturday, September 24, 2016

Greaux's Temporal Theory [GTT] - Introduction

The following spacetime superposition chart is based on the four laws of expanding superposition (otherwise known as "God's superposition" or the "Godposition"):

Law 1:  Every position is either:
  • a positive position   (x) or
  • a negative position  (y) or
  • a neutral position     (z)

Law 2:  For every positive position (x) there is an equally opposing negative position (y).

Law 3:  For every positive and negative pair positions (x and y) there is a neutral position (z) for that pair:

Law 4:  Every positive position is a superposition that is made up of a positive, negative, and neutral positions:

(Where g being superposition (Godposition), x being positive, y being negative, and z being neutral).

Spacetime Superposition Chart:

(Law of expanding superposition (aka Godposition)):

Magnetic field mappings:

Video of myself explaining my Theory (Part I):


My Theory Part II:

Dimensional fields around copper (element CU): Mostly inhabits the 2nd dimension (see chart below):

 Periodic Table showing where most elements operate in spacetime:

(If you notice FE (iron) has 26 electrons (26 = 2+6 = 8) and operates primarily in the 8th dimension. The 8th dimension happens to be the magnetic field dimension, which is why magnets attract iron.

I have found that magnetic fields actually rotate and line up with nearby iron.

If you place four iron rods around a magnetic field, all of the 8th dimension gates will line up with the four rods, at precisely 80°, 170°, 260°, and 350°. This gives you a point of reference within the magnetic field. The magnetic field gates will anchor to the iron rods.  You can then easily measure the dimensions once you find the four points of reference listed above.

[All of the aforementioned points are exactly 90° from each other and are just four repetitions of the same thing; so it does not matter which of the four points you start at]:

direction clockwise:

80° - [Gate]

 81°  -  [Space]
 82°  -  [Space]
 83°  -  [Space]

 84°  -  [Time]
 85°  -  [Time]
 86°  -  [Time]

 87°  -  [Spacetime]
 88°  -  [Spacetime]
 89°  -  [Spacetime]

90° - [Gate]

The rods will become anchor points at the magnetic field gates (MFG) of the 8th fabric system (more on fabric systems later).

In a magnetic field there are 324 dimensions and 36 gates.  The dimensions and their corresponding gates are divided into four quadrants of nine gates each.  The quadrants are just four separate repetitions of each other.

Note: Dimensions and gates are two separate objects within a magnetosphere:

What is a fabric system?

Fabric systems are nine independent spacetime systems that operate in the various parts of a temporal-magnetosphere (aka: magnetic field).  These systems function in all four quadrants of the magnetosphere:

Understanding of fabric systems and how they operate in a magnetosphere is critical if you want to use them for any practical application.

All of these systems are stationary in a magnetosphere while at the same time also flowing within the magnetosphere.

In other words, there are parts that are fixed and easily accessible and then there are parts that move and have to be accessed through a timing mechanism.

A timing mechanism could spin copper at specific degrees to interact with the fixed and flowing objects in a magnetosphere.  You can spin copper within specific degrees [for fixed connections] or you can spin degrees in a specific sequence [for flowing connections].

Here is an example of a practical application for a fabric system:

I stated above that a timing mechanism could spin copper at specific degrees to interact with the fixed and flowing objects in a magnetosphere. I also stated that copper could be spun within specific degrees for fixed connections and in specific sequences for flowing connections.

A an example of a timing mechanism that could fully access a temporal-magnetosphere would be a device that I designed and called a "Temporal Distributor".

I have no plans to patent my "temporal distributor" and intend on making it publicly and freely available as Marko Rodin did with his "Rodin Coil". I will most likely publish the designs here on this blog and elsewhere as open source.  I am of the belief that patenting the aforementioned device would be unethical seeing that it is the only way to fully realize the true potential of a magnetosphere. It would be like patenting the wheel; and like the wheel, a temporal distributor would have an unlimited number of applications.

I will post more about a temporal distributor and how to use it to fully access a temporal-magnetosphere later in this blog.

Here is what a "temporal distributor" might look like:

The above diagram is just an example of how a temporal distributor would work; it does not show all of the spin zones.

Please note that the application in the above diagram also shows fabric system 8 which would need distributors at different zones than the fabric system 4 distributors that are displayed.

A full temporal distributor would have 360 spin zones instead of the 4 shown in the diagram.  You would need one spin zone for each degree for full access to the temporal-magnetosphere.

Note: A temporal distributor requires an "opened gate" magnet in order to function properly.  The "Lolo Neoball Spinner II" video shown later in this blog exhibits a temporary "opened gate" magnet.  I explain afterwards how to make it permanent.

space is stationary - position
time flows - opposing position - [time is the opposite of space]
spacetime is stationary, flowing, and has enclosed space that flows - superposition

Any degree in a magnetic field that ends with a 0 is a gate.

Magnetic field gates [1 to 360]:

10 degrees
20 degrees
30 degrees
40 degrees

Opened Gate Magnet:

Here is a video of 8th dimensional (magnetic field) gates opening up temporarily:


There is no resonance between the magnet and the rodin coil as Jack incorrectly states.  None that are causing the above effect anyway.

Ever stuck a paper clip to a magnet?  What happens?  The paper clip temporarily becomes magnetic and you can pick up other paper clips with it.  

Well that's what you are looking at here in the above video. The effects are temporary until the gates close just like a temporarily magnetized paper clip.

If using a Rodin coil for experimentation DO NOT USE A RODIN INTERFERENCE COIL!  USE A STANDARD RODIN COIL:

A standard Rodin coil is temporally aligned. The interference coil does something different. 

Here's a video showing you how to make a Rodin coil:

How to create an "opened gate" magnet:

If you were to recreate Jack's above experiment (the one that opened the the magnetic gates temporarily) you could create a magnet that has permanently opened gates. How?  The same way you create any magnet:

In order to create any permanent magnet, you have to heat up a piece of iron past it's curie temperature and then afterward let it cool inside a magnetic field

You would make a separate piece of iron cool inside the magnetic field slightly above jack's experiment. The iron should become magnetized as it cools with permanently opened gates.   

Make sure you are able to exactly re-create Jack's experiment as he did before you start!

Afterwards re-do the experiment again but don't cut off the power as Jack did.

Leave the power on and put a hot piece of iron in the open gate magnetic field and let it cool.  Theoretically the gates should remain open permanently on the cooled down magnet.

You can actually program different magnets using the above experiment by changing the pulses in jack's experiment; this would create differently configured gates.

By the way all magnets should be made of 99.999% pure iron and all elements used in any of these experiments including non-magnetized iron should also be 99.999% pure (if you want clean experiments).

There are many more experiments I would like to do if I had the funding.

Here is a chart showing the temporal zones in a rodin coils:

The Green Circuit corresponds to the 1st - 4th - and 7th dimensions:

(Add the degree numbers together and it will equal the operating dimension at that gate.)

As you can see the 1 4 7 corresponds to the spacetime superposition chart I made:

As Does the 2 5 8 and the 3 6 9:

(picture not ready yet  (my markers are dried up. I have to go out and buy some more - picture coming soon!)

As you can see the zones in the rodin coil correspond to the spacetime superposition chart I posted at the top of this blog.


 Magnets should be made of 99.999% pure iron (nothing else)!

youtube video of manufacturing process for bad magnet:

Bad magnet ingredients:

  • copper   -  CU - 29 electrons - 2nd dimension
  • cobalt   -  CO - 27 electrons - 9th dimension
  • sulfur   -  S  - 16 electrons - 7th dimension
  • nickel   -  Ni - 28 electrons - 1st dimension
  • iron     -  Fe - 26 electrons - 8th dimension
  • aluminum -  Al - 13 electrons - 4th dimension
  • titanium -  Ti - 22 electrons - 4th dimension

all numbers = 8 (which = 8th dimension (which is why it is still [highly] magnetic))

add up the electron count for each element:
29+27+16+28+26+13+22 = 161  = 1+6+1 = 8th dimension

add up the dimensional count for each element:
2+9+7+1+8+4+4  =  35  = 3+5 = 8th dimension

(neodymium magnets are mixed with a trade secret polymer, so I don't know what the official count is for the ingredients in them - but whatever it is I am sure the final tally would equal 8)

Periodic Table listing electron count for each element:

Electron shell count for each element:

Electron Shell Count


Greaux's Temporal Theory - Chronometrics - Volume I

Chronometrics is a volume of books on space, time, and spacetime.

Topics covered in Chronometrics Volume I:

Chronoverse and Chronosphere

                       Everyone knows and understands the expanse of space; but they don't know or understand the expanse of time and what time does to space - time also expands with space.  The visible universe is only a small sliver of space compared to the universe and space that you don't see.  The chronosphere is space divided by time.

Time is not some abstract concept; it is a physical dimension just like space.  Time is physical.  What does time do?  Time divides space. 


                      There is a subatomic fluid I call Aqualum that flows with time.  Aqualum is the reason why transistors and capacitors work.  What do you think is filling up the capacitors and moving electrons around.  A Leyden jar has copper on the inside and outside - aqualum moves the electrons in the dimensional fields that the element is operating in.  It fills up dimensions 1, 2, and 3.

So how do the electrons reach the outside copper that is wrapped outside the leyden jar?  The answer lies with the leyden jar itself.  At the top of the jar there is the lip of the jar.  The lip makes a connection with time - the 6 dimension more specifically [the 6 provides access to the 5 and the 4].

Aqualum uses a higher system [what I call fabric systems] to access the 4.  When the electrons fill up dimensions 1, 2, and 3 they connect to a higher system through the lip of the jar and access dimension 4.

 [Dimension 4 makes access through the 6 - there is a temporal sphere at the top of every jar that has a full lip - the 6 aligns with the lip of the jar giving access the the 5 and 4; but it is a separate and higher system - not the normal 4, 5, and 6 that copper and some transistors use - we know that it is not the same fabric system because the leyden jar is made of glass and not copper.  The copper on both sides of the Leyden jar connect to the 4 on the higher fabric system enabling the aqualum and electrons to flow out of the jar.  - There are 9 separate and independent fabric systems. Each system uses the 9 dimensions.]

Fabric Objects (FO) 

These object exist in space time and were here long before the big bang.

Material from the big bang settled into some of these objects and created the heavenly bodies we know of... but not all. Some FOs have far less material or no material at all, but they are still there.

Just because we see that the earth has one moon doesn't mean there aren't more.

In all likelihood there probably are more than 10 FO moons around the earth.

The most amazing thing is that these objects have their own enclosed 3 dimensional space that can be entered into.

A hurricane is an Fabric Object.  Though all FOs don't manafest a storm - but even though you can't see them I promise you they are still there.

A temporal sphere sits at the center eye of the hurricane - with its own separate and enclosed 3 dimensional space that can be entered into.

There is a natural door that links with the 3 dimensional space inside the sphere with the 3 dimensional space outside of the sphere - the door sits slightly below the center line of the sphere.

Where do you think all of those missing ships and planes in the Bermuda triangle went?

 STOs (Space Time Organisms)

Yes they actually exist.  Plant like [correction] flora [not fauna - sorry] that exist in the space time fabric - not theoretical either - I have been researching them for years in Puerto Rico.  Plants here in this part of 3 dimensional space are interacting with STOs and may actually be an extension of these organisms.

STOs themselves may be using plants to operate in this part of 3 dimensional space.

[correction] - [Note:  I am not saying that fauna does not exist in the spacetime fabric, but I have yet to encounter any evidence supporting that.  Please keep in mind that all matter exists in many parts of the spacetime fabric including the matter that make up our human bodies - yes, part of our body extends into the temporal and spacetime fabric;  So, theoretically fauna could exist.]

Many, many more topics are also included in Chronometrics Volume I.  Please see the menu below for links to Chronometrics Volume I. 

I started a volume of books titled:

Greaux's Temporal Theory [GTT]: Chronometrics:  Volume I - Books I, II, and III

This page of the my blog is only the introduction to GTT.  

If you want to see the rest of Greaux's Temporal Theory you will have to click the links below for the "Chronometrics Volume 1" series hosted on this blog:

Greaux's Temporal Theory [GTT] - Chronometrics - Volume 1


GTT - Chronometrics Volume I


Please start this blog at the introduction page if you have not already done so:

Greaux's Temporal Theory (GTT) - Chronometrics - Volume I:



This theory makes ground breaking advances in physics - enabling the use of temporal gateways that can connect 3 dimensional space in two different locations.

A doorway can actually be made linking two separate cities - One could walk through a door in Los Angeles to New York City in a fraction of a second.

 [UPDATE: [May 1st, 2017]

Unfortunately, I cannot continue this blog because of political reasons.  

You can send me Bitcoin if you want but this blog is now officially terminated.

I will leave what I have already posted here - but I will not post anymore of my research.

If you still wish to give me Bitcoin you may use the following address:

Not this one:

Send to the following BTC wallet address instead:


Any Bitcoin that I receive will be used for my personal use and not necessarily be used for physics research and development.  However, I reserve the right to use the Bitcoin for whatever purpose I deem including but not limited to physics research and development. 


If my assistance is needed for personal projects, I am still willing to consult on your personal project for a fee of 50 Bitcoin (BTC) per week.

I will consult only on my theory, and its application, and nothing else.

I make no promises (remember this is only a theory and I don't have a lab yet to prove any of this).

2 week consulting minimum.
